Friday, 25 April 2008

Things I don't miss about the U.S.

Here is my disclaimer, first, I'm not order to be so one would have to feel they have an affilalition with a place. I do not. I'm a member of the world, not just one corner of it So...things I don't miss about the U.S.:

Driving...being able to walk to get whatever you need is true freedom don't realize it until you leave your couch in the U.S. that your life revolves around it and it is the devil's plaything

The presidential Race...either way, we're screwed and nothing is going to change

My Neighbors...some of them...especially the woman who yells all day long for her cats. If you need to know the whereabouts of your cats at all times, please keep them indoors.

Shitty journalism...enough said

Junk food...seriously, I'm not kidding. There are no fat people in Europe. (I think)

No entire generation of mannerless idiots have seemed to reproduce in the U.S. and it was the generation before mine and after mine.

Sweat pants and pj bottom wearers..people actually dress before they walk out of the house here, even if it's just to take the dog for a walk.

That's all I can think of for now. Any additional ideas are welcome!

1 comment:

AP said...

see. and all you did was complain that i wouldn't let you bring sweats. welcome to the EU baby