Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Why Dave Grohl?

To that question put to me by so many, I say :Why not Dave Grohl? Who else out there is keeping good old fashion rock and roll alive? I'm talking ROCK and ROLL, people...not emo, not experimental crap, not whinny, or gutteral screaming nonsense. I'm talking about a man, his guitar, his perfect pitch voice and endearing ability to make fun of himself and the whole machine he is a part of.

That's why...Dave Grohl. The fact that he's totally hot when he leans his body into the mike and his hair is all over the place might have something to do with it, too.

Rock on Dave, Rock on.


AP said...

your husband hates this blog

Anne said...

but i can't censor myself for the sake of others. it's a revolution out there.

Rick Longstreet said...

I love how dave Grohl is first on your list...