Sunday, 27 July 2008

Easy (Free) Rider

This posting is dedicated to the moocher. We all know one. If we're really lucky, we have a realtive who is a moocher...someone looking for a free ride at all costs (excuse the pun).

I am lucky enough to have a family mooch. So is my husband. But that's for another blog entirely. The name of my free rider will remain anonymous so as not to embaress certain other family members who gave birth to her and also have an inkling of an idea of something called "responsibility".

Anyway, don't you just hate it when you open your home and your heart to someone who needs to catch a break in life and then that person takes advantage of your kindness and leaves you with a $120.00 phone bill? I'm living in Zurich, people. One of, if not theee, most expensive places to live. 120 gets me groceries for a FEW days. But I digress...

So, feelings aren't hurt. And I'm really not that surprised now that my hindsight is perfect. But I have to wonder...did she think we weren't going to get a phone bill-or even look at it, for that matter? It's the arrogance of the mooch that gets me. The aura of entitlement that surrounds them and enters the room before they do.

The free rider leaves an especially sour taste in my mouth. We all have our pet peeves when it comes to certain people. The freeloader is mine. I have no time or inclination for damning the man at other people's expense. Don't get me wrong..I damn him every chance I a very "not wanting to step on the toes of others while I do it" kind of way.

The person out there right now...and you know who you are...who left me with the bill has a thing or two to learn about....well, everything. And to quote a very wise young man I know by the name of Max Owen, the Karma Train always comes around and makes its stops on time, my friend.

1 comment:

AP said...

a small victory.