Saturday, 19 July 2008

Minau (spelling?) Flower Island, Germany,and Schmetterlings

Friday 18, july 8:15 am....all kids dressed, fed and accounted for we catch train numero uno for the airport where we catch train numero due straight to Germany. Our destination? The Flower Island of Minau. Yes, we have been there before, but didn't get to experience everything and the weather this time around was gorgeous.

I'll be brief in the Hemingway Short Story Lean and Mean tradition (that was for you Ally).

Best parts of the day were mos def the kids on ponys and the Schmetterling Haus (Butterfly House). I took way too many pictures of those bugs but how often do you find yourself in a rain forest-like hut being attacked by the most beautiful little insects in the world?


This guy has some important summer reading to catch up on.

Edison and Jess kicking it cowgirl style

Cate looking cutely confused.

All in all, you can spend the whole day on the island. It blows Boboli in Florence out of the water. As you can see:



And this is just the tip of the iceberg...this place goes on FOREVER. Worth Every cent.

That's all for now, my little Schmetterlings. See my facebook page for more butterfly redundancy.


AP said...

the flowers are lovely. hemmingway can still suck it.

Anne said...

Hemingway would describe those flowers better than joyce....and in less than 50 freakin pages!