My fave is the one where your eyesight just magically and suddenly disappears in one eye....whilst driving.
There are the migraines where sound just sounds evil. And where sunlight is the kiss of death. I usually suffer from the latter. And the occasional blinding kind, which the first time I had, I thought I was having some kind of religious experience.
I've tried the myriad of migraine meds available. Their side effects were worse than the headaches. One medication was actually mimicking stroke-like symptoms in my body such as slurred speech and loss of feeling on one side of my body. When my neurologist told me not worry,that there were at least twenty other meds I could try, my reply was forget it. I'd deal with the pain in my own way. Right now that means swallowing 4 motrin at a time, which has a disaterous effect on one's stomach in the long run. And let's just say that I am in the long run.
Many, if not most, migraine sufferers become drug addicts. One will do anything to stop the pain and get on with their lives when all other avenues have failed. At one point, I was on a prescribed barbituate. Fortunately (I guess) I was not allowed any refills...without more pictures of my brain being taken first, which I put off because of pregnancy.
We don't want to be dependent on drugs just in order to accomplish our normal daily activities. Unfortunately, this happens all too often and we will do anything to get our hands on a real pain killer....lie and steal if we have to.
I'm convinced that my doctor knows nothing. She was more concerned about the shape of my tongue and the beauty mark on the inside of my toe than my head. The only person who has really helped me is my chiropractor. Who I am seperated from at the present until dec. Hence the return of the evil war raging in between my ears.
So, this is what someone looks like after three days of this nonsense:
Is that grandma?
That reminds me: A big shout out and thanks to Grandma Schieve for this family legacy.
Have you gone to the acupuncturist yet?
I stopped in yesterday. he doesn't speak english so this is going to be a little tough.
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