Thursday 29 May 2008

Why Haiku?

I'll tell you why Haiku to all of you out there rolling your eyes and thinking that it's not real poetry. Also, Haiku comes in way more handy when you have two kids and only three minutes to take a shower while you make the grocery list and come up with some creative lines.

It's a challenge. Be abstract with limited syllables while still making some semblence of sense. That being said, most of my haiku is probably shit, but I'm going to keep at it and when I'm dead, someone will find my shitty haiku fifty years later and call it a masterpiece.

I'm willing to wait that long.

Anyway, I'll give you a taste, but not too much...I'm waiting for my ship to come in, man

...your outline remains
where dewy mists meet mountains
you face the waters

measure displacement
find the statistic for tears
only sixty years

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