Saturday 7 June 2008

House Full of Women, Poor Rick

My poor husband has so gracefully put up with a flat full of relatives...all females for almost two months, that I just have to mention it and give him some serious kudos. And we all know what happens when women spend a lot of time together...certain uh, anatomical things start to sync up....poor, poor, poor, Rick.

...not to mention that our three year old is a girl, as well. That's an entire issue in and of itself.

I have seen looks of both desperation, frustration, and confusion on his face daily and our super supply of Motrin is mysteriously disappering at an alarming rate....and this is the state of things when we're all getting along. I can't even imagine what must be going on inside his brain when we throw a cat fight in there.

He tries his best to keep a low profile, but when there are four females under one roof and one man, someone is getting picked on, and it's not us girls.

The Ladies Running the Show

1 comment:

AP said...

dear rick, please don't hate us.

love ally